若把取得总冠军比作唐僧修成正果功德圆满,那么此前的近百场比赛就是取经路上的九九八十一关。国内的球迷早就在憧憬着“明王朝”一统江湖,盼望火箭队一飞冲天,那么火箭队一行目前已到了哪方国度,他们的前途又怎样呢? 中国街头算卦的老先生们,通常用自己的左手或者右手的五根手指,来为善男信女看个吉祥,因为在五根手指上包藏着过去未来的一切玄机。同样,在火箭队未来的漫漫征途上,或许它所经历的前五关,已经暗示了将要到达的终点所在。
If the championship than the Tang monk Xiucheng accomplishment merit, then nearly a hundred games before that is taken by the way on the 9981 off. The fans in China have long been looking forward to the “Ming dynasty” dominated the arena, looking forward to the Rockets soaring, then the Rockets line has now reached where the kingdom, their future then what? Chinese street gossip veterans, usually with My left hand or right hand five fingers, to look for good men and women to be auspicious, because in five fingers hidden all the mystery of the past. Likewise, perhaps the first five passes it has experienced over the long run of the Rockets have already hinted at where the end is about to arrive.