国家科学系统中心主任 Hiroshi lnose)最近建议应为“无用”研究设立一所大型的研究院,以资助那些与应用、经济利益以及效率或成功均无联系的研究。这项建议是发表在一项重要的近期报告“国际科技问题概要”的附录上。这项报告是由日本首相所主持的最高科学政策机构——科学技术委员会——的一个小组委员会提出的。日本需要开展大规栏的国际性研究计划的部分意图是想反击美国由于贸易和军事的原因
Hiroshi lnose, director of the National Science Center, recently suggested that a large research institute should be set up for “useless” research to fund research that has no connection with applications, economic interests, and efficiency or success. This proposal is published in an appendix to an important recent report, “A summary of international science and technology issues.” The report was presented by a subcommittee of the highest science policy body chaired by the Japanese Prime Minister, the Committee on Science and Technology. Part of Japan's intention to launch a large-scale international research project is to fight back the United States for its trade and military reasons