1937年12月,南京陷于日军之手,国 民政府迁都重庆。唐纳也随着内迁的人流 到达武汉。1938年夏,唐纳写出了抗日话 剧《中国万岁》,演出后获得了各界好评。 不久因剧社解散,唐纳一度失业,陷于困 苦之中。他的心境极其苦闷,再次企图自 杀而未遂。此时身在延安并于1938年11月 与毛泽东结婚的江青,不知道通过什么途 径打听到了唐纳正处于潦倒穷困之中,于 是每月从延安托人捎送10元钱接济他。每
December 1937, Nanjing caught in the hands of the Japanese, the National Government moved to Chongqing. Downer also arrived with the flow of people moved to Wuhan. In the summer of 1938, Downer wrote the anti-Japanese drama “Long live China,” which received high praise from all walks of life. Not long after the theater was dissolved, Downer was once unemployed and was in pain. His mood was extremely depressed, attempted suicide again failed. At this time, Jiang Qing, who was in Yenan and was married to Mao Zedong in November 1938, did not know through what channels Downer was in the middle of impoverishment. So he sent 10 yuan a month from Yan’an caretakers to help him. each