成功的花,人们只惊羡她现时的明艳,然而当初的芽儿,浸透了奋斗的泪泉,洒遍了牺牲的血雨。我想用冰心先生的这句话作为开头,来讲述一位太钢介入技术的创始人——太钢总医院心导管室主任王慧峰。王慧峰,现在已经是名扬三晋大地了。因为他的心脏介入术使好多过去不能治愈的心脏病患者得到了根治,使好多过去不能存活的心脏病患者再现了生命的曙光。 1982年王慧峰大同医专毕业后分配到太钢峨口铁矿工作,1986年调入太钢总医院心内科。1992年,王慧峰赴北京阜外医院进修。当时正值我国的心脏介入技术刚刚起步,这使他大开眼界,亲
Succeeding flowers, people are only amazed at her present Ming Yan, but the original Bud children, soaked in the struggle of the Teochew, shed all over the sacrificial blood. I would like to start with Mr Bing Xin’s remark about Wang Huifeng, director of the heart catheterization department at TISCO, the founder of TISCO’s interventional technology. Wang Huifeng, now is famous Sanjin earth. Because of his cardiac intervention, many previously untreatable patients with heart disease have been cured, regenerating the dawn of life for many heart patients who were previously unable to survive. In 1982, Wang Huifeng Datong Medical College assigned to work after graduating from E steel mouth TISCO, 1986 TISCO General Hospital transferred to the Department of Cardiology. In 1992, Wang Huifeng went to Beijing Fuwai Hospital for further studies. At that time, our country’s cardiac interventional technology just started, which made him an eye-opener