听一位经商的朋友说,他原本以为农民消费档次肯定比城市消费者低,城市滞销的商品拿到乡下去卖,肯定好销,但事与愿违,农民对这些商品不屑一顾,自己白忙乎了一场。由此可见,要想在农村货畅其流,就要认真研究农民朋友的消费心理,否则就事与愿违。要真正把农村市场挖掘出来,笔者认为要突出 “新、灵、准、精”四个方面。 一是对农民认识要新。由于对农民消费认识不足,使农村市场形成“高档多,低档少;城市化多,乡村化少;高价的多,便宜的少;洋款的多,适用的少;伪劣的多,正宗的少”的局面。种种错误估计,都会影响企业产品在市场的销售情况。多年来,城乡经济的发展、道路的改善以及传媒信息的普及,使农民进城不仅十分方
Listen to a business friend said that he originally thought that the level of consumer spending is certainly lower than urban consumers, the city’s poor sales of goods to get the countryside to sell, certainly good sales, but the contrary, farmers disdain for these products, their own busy A This shows that in order to smooth flow of goods in rural areas, we must conscientiously study the consumer psychology of peasants and friends, or things go against the rules. To really dig out the rural market, I think we should highlight the “new, spiritual, accurate and refined” in four areas. First, to recognize farmers to new. Due to lack of understanding of peasants’ consumption, the rural market has become “high-grade and low-grade, with less urbanization and ruralization, less expensive and cheaper, less foreign money, less applicable, less fake and less authentic ”The situation. All kinds of wrong estimation will affect the sales of enterprise products in the market. Over the years, the economic development in urban and rural areas, the improvement of roads, and the popularization of media information have made it very imperative for peasants to move into cities