瑞典陆军正在着手对“逊邱伦”主战坦克Strv101和 Strv102的现代化改造种划,它已与FMV 公司和博福斯公司签定了二亿五千万克朗的合同。现代化改造的重点是瞄准装置和火控装置。各种观测装置也要改进。测距装置改为激光测距机;瞄准具改进成与计算机连动式;
The Swedish Army is embarking on a program of modernization of the Struts 101 and Strv 102, the main battle tank for the “Khon Kaulun”. It has signed a contract of 250 million crowns with FMV and Bofors. The focus of modernization is aimed at devices and fire control devices. Various observation devices should be improved. Ranging device to a laser rangefinder; sights improved into a computer linked with;