影响水利工程供水价格的因素包括自然条件和经济政策。在中线水源工程已定的条件下 ,主要从经济政策方面对南水北调工程的水价作了全面论述。认为 :如果将南水北调工程定性为盈利性项目 ,全部或大部采用银行商业贷款兴建 ,则水价很高 ,用户难以承受 ;如果定性为以社会公益性为主 ,兼有经济效益的项目 ,不以盈利为目的 ,但需做到自我维持 ,投资以国家 (中央和地方政府 )拨款和自筹资金为主 ,少部分使用银行优惠贷款 ,按满足成本费用加合理利润的原则制定水价 ,则水价相对较低 ,在北方地区严重缺水的情况下 ,工业和城市生活用水是可以承受的。黄河以北农业灌溉水价偏高 ,可以借鉴国外经验和有关省提出的建议 ,采取以工补农等办法解决。
Factors that affect the price of water supply for water projects include natural conditions and economic policies. Under the condition that the midline water supply project has been set, the water price of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is mainly discussed in terms of economic policy. It is considered that if the South-to-North Water Diversion Project is defined as a profitable project and all or most of them are constructed with bank commercial loans, the water price will be very high and the users will be unaffordable. If the project is characterized by social welfare mainly with economic benefits, Profit for the purpose, but to be self-sustaining, investment by the state (central and local governments) and self-financing funding, a small part of the use of bank loans, to meet the cost and reasonable profit margin to develop water prices, the water price relative Lower, industrial and urban domestic use of water is sustainable with severe water scarcity in the north. Agricultural irrigation water in the north of the Yellow River is too high to learn from the experience of other countries and the suggestions put forward by the relevant provinces and to take measures such as subsidizing agriculture with subsidies.