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加强和改进思想政治工作,是党中央对新时期思想政治工作提出的新要求。近年来,我省企业思想政治工作认真贯彻党的路线方针政策,大胆实践,勇于探索,为企业两个文明建设和全省经济发展、社会稳定提供了有力的思想保证。但是,还存在一些值得注意的问题。认真研究和思考这些问题,对于加强和改进企业思想政治工作有着重要的意义。目前企业思想政治工作领域存在的问题一是思想政治工作存在着针对性不强,覆盖不到位的问题,基层思想政治工作比较薄弱。在一些企业中思想政治工作不能准确地把握和了解群众关注的热点、难点问题,不能从理论和实践结合上解疑释惑,缺乏一定的说服力和感染力;有的不注意区分层次和对象,一般性的号召多,针对性思想教育和引导不够。另外,一些非公有制企业,乡镇企业的思想政治工作比较薄弱,下岗职工和离退休人员以及打工 To strengthen and improve ideological and political work is the party central committee’s new requirements on ideological and political work in the new period. In recent years, the ideological and political work in our province has conscientiously implemented the party’s line, principles and policies, boldly practiced and courageously explored, and has provided a powerful ideological guarantee for the two civilizations and the economic development and social stability of the province. However, there are some noteworthy issues. To seriously study and think about these issues is of great significance to strengthening and improving the ideological and political work in enterprises. At present, there are some problems in the field of ideological and political work in enterprises. There is a problem that the ideological and political work has not been targeted and the coverage is not in place. The grass-roots ideological and political work is relatively weak. In some enterprises, the ideological and political work can not accurately grasp and understand the hot and difficult issues that the masses are concerned about. They can not dispel misunderstandings and confusions from the combination of theory and practice, lack of certain persuasion and contagion; some do not pay attention to the distinction between levels and objects, General call for more targeted education and guidance is not enough. In addition, some non-public-owned enterprises and township and village enterprises have relatively weak ideological and political work. Laid-off and retired workers as well as workers
1961年至1976年,我院收治胃血吸虫病6例,均经外科手术及病理检查证实,现报告如下。 From 1961 to 1976, 6 cases of stomach schistosomiasis admitted to our hospital we
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CT对输尿管下段阴性结石的诊断价值TheDiagnosticValueofCTonUreteralRadioparentLithiasisoflowSegment刘东明卜强江苏镇江市第一人民医院CT室212002输尿管下段阴性结石的诊断较难,是泌尿科... CT diagnosis of lower ureter negative stones TheDiagnos
一、减轻学生负担,培养创新人才 在刚刚进入21世纪、迎接知识经济挑战之际,党中央提出“以培养学生的创新精神和实践能力为重点”,这就赋予了素质教育以时代特征。江泽民在