谁都知道事后诸葛亮好当,世界杯赛也一样。 但并没有因为如此,预测世界杯赛的人比事后评世界杯的人少;相反,世界杯赛前预测文章铺天盖地,世界杯赛后多草草搁笔。 世界上的事大概都是这样的,比如母亲十月怀胎,亲朋好友近戚远亲皆指腹猜度,或男或女?或美或丑?“竞猜”的时间跨度肯定七八月有余。而人一死,从嚎啕大哭悲恸追悼到隆重入殓最多也就十天。
Everyone knows that hindsight, the same is true of the World Cup. But not because of this, people who predict the World Cup are less likely to comment on the World Cup than they did in the aftermath. On the contrary, predictions about the World Cup are overwhelmingly draconian and draconian after the World Cup. The things in the world are probably the same, such as pregnant mothers in October, relatives and friends close to the relatives and relatives are farmer forefathers guess, or male or female? Or beauty or ugly? “Guess” the span of time in August and August certainly more than seven months. The death of a person, from wailing grief to grief to grand grandfather up to ten days.