文章主要针对JJG 25—2004《螺纹千分尺检定规程》中关于螺纹千分尺校对用量杆检定方法进行分析研究,探讨在不具备规程要求尺寸的三针和槽规情况下,利用实验室现有三针、用块规夹组合量块替代槽规方式在精密光学计上实现检定的一种新方法。通过检定方法的几何关系进行公式推导,帮助检定人员充分理解规程中相关内容,并为检定人员提供另外一种检定方法,为解决检定中遇到的类似问题提供了一种新思路。
In this paper, mainly on the JJG 25-2004 “thread micrometer test procedures” on the thread micrometer proofing rod test method to analyze the study does not have the required size of the rules of the three-pin and groove gauge case, the use of the existing laboratory three-pin, A new method to calibrate the precision optics is to replace the groove gauge by the combination of the block clamps. The formulas are derived through the geometric relations of the test methods, which help the test staff to fully understand the relevant contents in the procedure and provide another method for the test staff to provide a new idea for solving the similar problems encountered in the test.