红花酢浆草,属酢浆草科、酢浆草属。为多年生草本,是适用于园林绿地的阴性地被植物之一。其地下部分具有念珠状块茎,外被棕褐色硬质皮层,上有若干凸起的芽。全株疏生纤毛,掌状复叶基生,淡绿色,小叶3枚,倒心形,中间有深裂,背面边缘处则具褐色瘤斑。复伞状花序,着生于总梗顶端,总梗高出叶丛,花紫红色。红花酢浆草性喜阴湿环境,对土壤要求不严,在排水良好、富含腐殖质的沙质壤土中生长尤为良好,PH 5.5—6.5,较耐寒,在杭州地区可以露地越冬。但不耐炎热,7—8月份处于休眠状态,花期颇长,自10月初至翌年5月,陆续开花,盛花期在3月份。红花酢浆草管理粗放,适应性强,花、叶都具有较高的观赏价值。它的繁殖方法通常以分株为主。当
Safflower Sorrel, is Oxalicaceae, Oxalis. As a perennial herb, it is one of the negative ground cover plants suitable for landscaping. Its underground part has a beaded tuber, outer tan brown cortex, there are a number of raised buds. Whole plant sparsely ciliated, palmately compound basal, light green, leaflets 3, inverted heart shape, the middle of the deep crack, the back edge of the brown tumor spots. Complex umbels, was born in the top of the total stem, the total stem above the leaves thick, flowers purple. Sorghum sweet hi wet environment, the strict requirements of the soil, well-drained, rich in humus sandy loam soil growth is particularly good, PH 5.5-6.5, more cold, can be exposed to winter in Hangzhou. But not tolerant to heat, dormant from July to August, flowering quite long, from early October to May the following year, one after another flowering, flowering in March. Sambucus redwood extensive management, adaptability, flowers, leaves have a high ornamental value. Its breeding method is usually based on ramets. when