On the Influence of Culture on Politeness

来源 :邢台职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:genggeng07
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As we all know, different people hold different views about politeness. To be polite, Leech thinks you should follow “Politeness Principle” while Levinson suggests paying attention to others’ “Face Wants” Sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. In order to adequately provide an educated answer to this heartfelt question, this paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture. As we all know, different people hold different views about politeness. To be polite, Leech thinks you should follow “Politeness Principle” while Lev homocene paying attention to others’ “Face Wants” Sometimes what the Chinese people considered to be polite may not be true according to western culture. In order to adequately provide an educated answer to this heartfelt question, this paper attempts to shed light on some of the important differences on politeness between Chinese and western culture.
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