为提高鲍鱼培苗的成活率,对分离自广东汕尾一养殖场鲍苗掉板池中(包括水、藻膜和变白鲍苗)的、经回归感染试验证明为致病菌的菌株进行了鉴定和药物敏感性测定。API鉴定表明,这些致病菌株由Vibrio alginolyticus,Vibrio cholerae,Vibrio parahaem olyticus等组成,其中弧菌17株,约占总分离菌株的50%,而溶藻弧菌则为弧菌的优势菌株,有11株,约占弧菌总数的70%。药敏结果显示,绝大多数菌株对链霉素、红霉素和庆大霉素敏感;相反,四环素和新生霉素则对它们没有作用或不敏感。
In order to improve the survival rate of abalone seedlings, strains isolated from the shedding ponds of abalone seedlings (including water, algal membrane and whitened abalone) in Shanwei 1 farm in Guangdong Province were tested for pathogenic bacteria by retroviral infection test Identification and drug susceptibility testing. API identification showed that these pathogenic strains were composed of Vibrio alginolyticus, Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio parahaemolyticus, among which 17 were Vibrio, accounting for about 50% of the total isolates, whereas Vibrio alginolyticus was the dominant strain of Vibrio 11 strains, accounting for about 70% of the total number of vibrios. Susceptibility results showed that the vast majority of strains were sensitive to streptomycin, erythromycin and gentamicin; on the contrary, tetracycline and novobiocin had no effect or insensitivity to them.