主客兼顾 人时并见——顾炎武《雨中至华下宿王山史家》赏析

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重寻荒径一冲泥,谷口墙东路不迷。万里河山人落落,三秦兵甲雨凄凄。松阴旧翠长浮院,菊蕊初黄欲照畦。自笑漂萍垂老客,独骑赢马上关西。中国古代写拜访人或到某人家中、住处的诗,大多有这样的情况,即在一首诗中兼写来访者和主人二者,写出二者的关系及人物的某些特点。这种创作特征在本诗中也有很明显的体现。本诗作于康熙十六年(1677)秋。此年九月初三,65岁的顾炎武顶着西风秋雨又一次来到华山下的王山史家。王山史即王弘撰,字无异,一字文修,号山史,又号待 Heavy looking for a waste of mud, Taniguchi Road East is not lost. Wanlihe mountains, San Qin Bing a rain desolately. Songyin old Tsui Long floating Court, yellow as early as daisy Chrysanthemum. Self-laughing duckweed Lao Ke, alone riding wins Kansai immediately. In ancient China, most of the poems written in the place of visit or visit to someone’s home or residence were written in a poem by both the visitor and the owner, and the relationship between the two and the characteristics of the person. This creative feature is also evident in this poem. The poem for the sixteen years of Emperor Kangxi (1677) autumn. On the third day of September this year, Gu Yanwu, 65, once again came to the Wang Shan historian under Huashan for the westerly autumn rain. Wang Shan Wang Zhi Wang Zhi, the same word, the word repair, No. Hill history, but also treat
我的妈妈希望我成为学霸,成为对社会有用的人。  妈妈带我去学习,让我喜欢钢琴、舞蹈、跆拳道,我自己也喜欢滑轮、溜冰、游泳。这样是不是很忙?对,我每天都很忙,因为要学的很多很多。但是我也很快乐,很开心。我天天都在进步,为什么不开心呢?  爸爸妈妈带我去过很多地方。我最喜欢的是马尔代夫,因为那里的天特别蓝,它跟海水连在一起,分不清天地。我还摸到了魔鬼鱼,还跟着爸爸妈妈在沙滩上自由自在地奔跑……  我还