全国农药企业年排放废水超亿吨 我国加紧完善农药环保国标体系

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本刊讯7月1日,《杂环类农药工业水污染物排放标准》已正式实施,该标准的推广施行,结束了我国农药工业长期以来无污染物排放国家标准的历史,标志着我国农药工业污染防治工作进入一个新阶段。此外,苯氧羧酸类、酰胺类农药工业水污染物排放标准已起草完毕。至此,我国已有8类农药拥 On July 1, “Heterocyclic pesticide industrial water pollutant discharge standards” has been officially implemented, the promotion of the implementation of the standard, the end of our country’s pesticide industry has long been no pollutant discharge national standards of history, marking China’s pesticides Industrial pollution prevention and control work has entered a new phase. In addition, phenoxy carboxylic acid, amide pesticide industrial water pollutant discharge standards have been drafted. So far, China has eight types of pesticides