玉米 能健胃和中,利小便。由于玉米含粗纤维多,每周适量食用有通便的作用。如熬成玉米粥更宜老人食用。 高粱 味甘性温,有益脾胃、涩肠止泻、安神的作用。宜熬成粥食用。 黄豆 味甘性平,有健脾利湿、解毒作用。古人认为炒则热,煮则寒,作豆豉则冷,蒸、晒则温。炒食则易胀气,故不宜多吃。
Corn can help stomach and urine. Due to the fact that corn contains more crude fiber, it is necessary to consume the catharsis on an appropriate amount of food every week. Such as boiled corn porridge more suitable for the elderly to eat. Sorghum sweet and warm, beneficial to the spleen and stomach, Shibuya diarrhea, soothe the nerves. Should be eaten into porridge. Soybean is sweet and flat, with spleen dampness and detoxification. The ancients believed that the speculation was hot, and the cooking was cold, and the pods were cold, steamed and dried. Fried food is easy to flatulence, it should not eat.