1病例资料患者男,41岁,2013年8月1日因“反复头昏、头晕伴黑朦,晕厥5月、再发3天”入院。患者近5个月来反复无明显诱因突感头昏、头晕,时有视物旋转,伴全身灼热不适、双下肢无力、黑朦、晕厥数次,持续1 min后自行缓解。今年3月在我院住院。诊断:眩晕症。经治疗症状有所减轻,出院后间断治疗,症状时好时发。近3d因上述症状再发,来我院就诊。患者既往身体健康。无“高血压、糖尿病”病史。否认
1 case data Male, 41 years old, August 1, 2013 due to “repeated dizziness, dizziness with darkness, fainting in May, issued another 3 days ” admission. Patients in the past 5 months repeatedly no obvious incentive to sudden sensation dizziness, dizziness, when the material rotation, with whole body burning discomfort, weakness of the lower extremities, darkness, syncope several times for 1min after self-remission. March this year in our hospital. Diagnosis: vertigo. After the treatment of symptoms have been relieved, intermittent treatment after discharge, when the symptoms are good. Nearly 3d because of the recurrence of the above symptoms, to our hospital. In the past, the patient was in good health. No “high blood pressure, diabetes ” history. deny