目的用紫外分光光度法测定马钱子提取液中士的宁含量,为士的宁含量测定提供了依据。方法用紫外分光光度计对士的宁标准溶液进行波长扫描,确定最适吸收波长,在此波长下建立士的宁标准品的吸光度一浓度标准曲线。根据标准曲线测定马钱子提取液中士的宁的含量。结果:士的宁最适吸收波长为254nm,吸光度一浓度回归方程为y=36.425x +0.0039,平均加样回收率为99.21%,RSD为2.24%,马钱子提取液中士的宁含量平均值为8.33mg·g~(-1)。结论紫外分光光度法测定马钱子提取液中士的宁含量,方法简单、快速,重现性好,可为士的宁质量控制提供依据。
Objective To determine the content of strychnine in the extract of Strychnos nudici by ultraviolet spectrophotometry, and provide basis for the determination of strychnine content. Methods Ultraviolet spectrophotometer was used to scan the wavelength of strychnine standard solution to determine the optimal absorption wavelength. At this wavelength, the concentration standard curve of strychnine standard was established. The content of strychnine in the extraction solution of Strychnos nudica was determined according to a standard curve. RESULTS: The optimal absorption wavelength of strychnine was 254 nm, the regression equation of absorbance- concentration was y = 36.425x +0.0039, the average recovery was 99.21%, the RSD was 2.24%, and the strychnine content in the extraction solution of Strychnos n The value was 8.33 mg·g -1 . Conclusion Ultraviolet spectrophotometric determination of strychnine content in the extraction solution of Strychnos nudicae is simple, rapid and reproducible, which can provide the basis for the quality control of strychnine.