作为保时捷家族中备受瞩目的新成员,全新一代Panamera日前在上海完成亚洲首秀。在此次更新换代中,保时捷系统化地提升了全新Panamera的所有细节,而这些亮点,在我们的专访中都由Panamera车系副总裁兼负责人Gernot D?llner博士娓娓道来。evo:全新Panamera在设计的细节上有很多变化,具体有哪些?有什么值得特别注意的地方?A:说到全新Panamera车型,在各方面我们都进行了很大的改进。在
A new generation of high-profile members of the Porsche family, the new generation of Panamera recently finished its first Asian show in Shanghai. In this update, Porsche systematically raised all the details of the new Panamera, all of which came in our exclusive interview with Dr. Gernot Döllner, Vice President and Head of Panamera Automotive. evo: The new Panamera There are many changes in the design details, what specific? What is a special noteworthy place? A: When it comes to the new Panamera models, we have made great improvements in all aspects. in