俗话说,“民以食为天”,饮食业从古至今是一大行,人人离不开它。大到烹调山珍海味、承办酒席的大饭庄,小到摊煎饼、炸油条的小饭摊,都归饮食业。 饮食业这一行是谁留下的呢?据说他们供奉灶王和詹王。至于灶王人们很熟悉了,过去家家户户只要起火做饭的地方,都要供奉灶神,饭店是经常做饭的地方,当然更应供奉了。至于敬詹王是怎么回事,知道的就不多了。相传,隋文帝杨坚刚建国时,还能够体恤民情,生活也较为检点。可是,日子不长,他就讲吃讲喝起来,对于御膳房作的山珍海味都食不甘味,经常大发雷霆。这一天,又到了用膳的时候,面对佳肴盛餐,他尝了一口竟差点吐了出来,一气之下,就把那
As the saying goes, “food for the world”, the catering industry has been a big line since ancient times, everyone can not do without it. Large cooking delicacies, catering Banquet, small pancakes, fried fritters, are owned by the catering industry. Who left behind this line of the catering business? They are said to have dedicated both King Kao and Zhan Wang. As for the cook king is very familiar with, in the past every household as long as the place of cooking fire, must worship Kitchen God, the hotel is often cooking place, of course, should be enshrined. As King King respect King is how, I know not much. According to legend, when Emperor Wen Yang Jian-Gang Yang founding, but also be able to sympathize with the people’s sentiment, life is also more pre-test. However, the days are not long, he talked about eating and drinking, the delicacies made for the Imperial Diet are not willing to taste, often furious. On this day, when it came to meal, he had almost spit it out when he tasted delicious food.