物质的量这部分内容概念性强,公式也比较多,对于高一的新同学来说,在解决相关问题时,常因概念模糊,理解不够准确,而导致出现一些错误,现将常见的错误罗列出来,希望同学们能从中得到启发。一、对气体摩尔体积理解不透例1下列叙述正确的是()。A.在任何情况下,气体摩尔体积都是22.4 L·mol~(-1)B.非标准状况下,1 mol任何气体的体积不可能为22.4 L C.22.4 L任何气体中都含有约6.02×10~(23)个
The amount of material This part of the conceptual strong, the formula is also more, for a freshman classmates, in the resolution of related issues, often due to the concept of ambiguity, understanding is not accurate enough, resulting in some errors, now common mistakes Listed, I hope students can get inspired. First, the understanding of gas molar volume impervious to Example 1 The following is correct (). A. In any case, the molar volume of gas is 22.4 L · mol -1 B. Non-standard conditions, the volume of any gas of 1 mol can not be 22.4 L C.22.4 L Any gas contains about 6.02 × 10 ~ (23)