一、我国现行法律对外贸代理制的规定及存在的问题(一)我国《民法通则》关于代理的原则性规定及其适用于外贸代理时存在的问题 我国《民法通则》第63条只是对直接代理做出了规定。该条规定,“公民、法人可以通过代理人实施民事法律行为。代理人在代理权限内,以被代理人的
First, China’s current law on the provisions of the agency system and the existing problems (a) China’s “General Principles of Civil Law” on the principle of agency and its application in foreign trade agency problems China’s “General Principles of Civil Law” Article 63 is only direct Agent made the rules. This article stipulates that "Citizens, legal persons may carry out civil legal acts through their agents.