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为了总结在样板田上开展科学研究的做法与经验,中国农业科学院于1965年10月下旬派出人员,并有农业部科学技术管理局同志参加,和山西省农业科学院运城棉花研究所的同志一起到闻喜县棉花样板田蹲点,这里发表的是他们的调查总结。 目前,以样板田为中心的科学实验运动正在蓬勃发展,如何尽快地使我们的思想认识和研究方法,能够适应社会主义大农业的特点,能够适应农业生产变化多、地区性强的要求,是摆在全国农业科学研究工作者面前的重要问题。近两年来,大批的农业科学工作者,下楼出院,通过样板田的工作实践,摸索到了在样板田上进行研究的一些方法,既提高了产量,又出了科学。但是,也有些同志对样板田究竟能不能出科学?怎样对待普及与提高、理论与实际的关系等问题,还有不同的看法,因此,开展这方面的讨论,对促进样板田上科学研究工作的发展是有益的。希望全国的农业科学技术研究工作者都来参加这次讨论,把你们的意见和经验写成文章寄来。来稿希望从实际出发,观点鲜明,生动具体,短小精悍,就是只有一点看法,一个事例,本刊都是十分欢迎的。 In order to summarize the practices and experiences of carrying out scientific research in the field of samples, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences dispatched officers in late October 1965 and attended by Comrades of Science and Technology Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, together with comrades from Yuncheng Cotton Research Institute of Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences Xi County cotton template field stay, published here is their survey concluded. At present, the scientific experiment movement centered on the model field is flourishing. How to make our ideological understanding and research methods adapt to the characteristics of socialist agriculture as soon as possible, and to meet the requirements of more varied agricultural production and stronger regional requirements? Placed in the country before the important issue of agricultural science and research workers. In the past two years, a large number of agricultural scientists went outstairs to go out of hospital. Through working practices in model fields, they have explored some methods for studying in model field, which not only increased output but also made science. However, some comrades still have different opinions on whether the model field can produce science, how to treat the popularization and improvement, the relationship between theory and reality, and so on. Therefore, discussions in this respect are of great significance to promoting the scientific research work of the field model Development is beneficial. We hope that all agricultural science and technology research workers in the country will come to this discussion and send your opinions and experiences in an article. The manuscript hopefully starts from the reality, the viewpoint is clear, the vivid concrete, the short and diligent, that is only one point of view, an example, this publication all is very welcome.
一 我们泰县洪林公社农业科学研究所,是一个靠自己生产来解决生活、靠生产来支持科学实验的集体经济的基层科研单位。全所20个人,3个老农,17个青年,没有一个上过专业技术学
张音娉是一个非常快乐而甜美的女孩子,大学毕业后,她来到美国从事市场行销工作。  随着见识的增广,张音娉渐渐对这种单纯的市场行销工作失去了热情,她在心里开始渴望能涉足国际期货市场。但是,张音娉对此了解得并不多,要想涉足人才济济的国际期货市场,简直是一件不太可能的事情!  有一次,张音娉在结束了一天的工作回到住所后,像往常一样拿起书本来打发时间,她从书上看到了这样一个不起眼的小故事:“一位特别想吃鱼的
由于工作關系,我偶尔会参加一些公开活动,发现组织者为了让活动赏心悦目,通常会找电视台的美女来做司仪。  我作为发言者,每次活动前则专注于如何呈现有价值的专业内容,所以当看到这些美女司仪带着化妆师、助理等一群人前呼后拥出行时,我很长一段时间对此不以为然,认为这些人太虚荣——我出差,就一个人,一套便装私服就搞定。  直到有一天,我看到一位司仪披着大衣,坐在冰冷的角落里梳理流程、反复背诵练习串场词时,突