劳伦斯(D.H.Lawrence,1885-1930)是英国现代主义小说家,出生于诺丁汉郡一个偏僻的矿工村里,父亲是矿工,母亲是小学教师。劳伦斯自大学起便开始发表小说,《儿子与情人》(Sons and Lovers)是其代表作之一,带有较强的自传性。小说中,母亲莫瑞尔夫人对儿子保罗占有性的母爱扭曲了他的感情,使他在母爱和爱情中徘徊,不能正常地爱其他姑娘,直到后来母亲患病去世保罗才从母亲占有性的母爱中解脱出来。选文出自小说第十章,写保罗在一次画展中夺得头筹后,母子两人欢呼雀跃的场景,对母子俩的兴奋描写得细致入微。
D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930), a British modernist novelist, was born in a lonely miner’s village in Nottinghamshire. His father was a miner and his mother was a primary school teacher. Lawrence began to publish novels since college, and Sons and Lovers are one of his masterpieces, with a strong autobiographical. In the novel, Madame Morel’s son-in-law’s maternal love distorts his feelings and makes him wander in maternal love and love, and can not love other girls normally, until her mother dies. Only after her mother occupies Maternal love freed. The essay comes from the tenth chapter of the novel. When Paul wrote the first prize in an exhibition, the mother and son cheered each other and the excitement of both mother and son was nuanced.