本组男性20例,女性10例,年龄17~72岁,平均41.3岁。其中室上性心动过速伴室性早搏及紊乱性室上性心律4例,频发室性早搏18例,室性并行心律2例,室性早搏并短阵室性心动过速6例。 12例静脉给药1~3天,洛卡胺80mg加50%葡萄糖40ml缓慢推注,继以洛卡胺120mm加5%葡萄糖100ml滴注,有效者次日改为口服,其余3天后改为口服;18例单纯口服剂量为0.1,一天三次,2周为一疗程.
The group of 20 males and 10 females, aged 17 to 72 years, mean 41.3 years. Among them, supraventricular tachycardia with ventricular premature beats and disturbance of supraventricular tachycardia in 4 cases, frequent premature ventricular contractions in 18 cases, ventricular parallel heart rate in 2 cases, premature ventricular contractions and paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia in 6 cases. 12 cases of intravenous administration of 1 to 3 days, loralin 80mg plus 50% glucose 40ml bolus, followed by loralin 120mm plus 5% glucose 100ml infusion, the effective person was changed to oral the next day, the remaining 3 days later Oral; 18 simple oral dose of 0.1, three times a day, two weeks for a course of treatment.