洗胃是抢救经口服有机磷农药急性中毒成功的关键 ,传统观念认为服毒后 4~ 6小时内进行效果最佳 [1 ] ,而 6~ 12小时后洗胃则意义不大。我们在临床工作中对 12小时内未及时洗胃或虽洗胃但估计胃内仍有残毒者 5 4例进行了及时反复洗胃 ,取得明显疗效 ,分析报道如下。1 临床资
Gastric lavage is the key to salvage the success of acute poisoning by oral organophosphorus pesticide. The traditional concept is that the best effect is obtained within 4 ~ 6 hours after inoculation [1], while gastric lavage after 6 ~ 12 hours is of little significance. In clinical work we did not promptly gastric lavage within 12 hours or gastric lavage but stomach is still estimated there are still 54 cases of residual gastric repeated gastric lavage in a timely manner and achieved significant results, the analysis is reported as follows. 1 clinical resources