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党的十八大报告指出要围绕保持党的先进性和纯洁性,在全党深入开展以为民务实清廉为主要内容的党的群众路线教育实践活动,着力解决人民群众反映强烈的突出问题,提高做好新形势下群众工作的能力。面对新形势下群众工作复杂多变的局面以及繁重而艰巨的工作任务,广大党员必须清醒认识到自身肩负的责任与使命,深入研究把握新时期群众工作的特点和规律,努力提高群众工作的能力和水平,进而全面提高党的建设的科学化水平。 The report of the 18th National Congress of the CPC pointed out that it is necessary to concentrate on maintaining the advanced nature and purity of the party and deepen the entire party’s practice of educating the party’s mass line that focuses on the practical workmanship and cleanliness as the main content and focus on solving the outstanding problems that the masses of the people respond strongly to Do a good job in the new situation the ability of the masses. In the face of the complicated and volatile work of the masses and the arduous and arduous tasks in the new situation, the majority of party members must clearly understand their own responsibilities and missions, study and grasp the characteristics and laws of mass work in the new period, and strive to improve the work of the masses Ability and level, so as to raise the scientific level of party building in an all-round way.