痛经是指月经周期伴有痉挛性腹痛的症状,痛经可分为原发性与继发性2种,原发性痛经是月经时腹痛不伴有盆腔病理情况,常并发一些妇科疾病。本资料通过应用金凤丸对44例原发性痛经患者进行观察,疗效结果报告如下。1 资料与方法1.1 对象 为1997年4月至1998年5月在我院妇科门诊就诊74名原发性痛经患者,年龄最小的13岁,年龄最大32岁;病程最短的3个月,最长的14
Dysmenorrhea refers to the menstrual cycle accompanied by symptoms of spastic abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea can be divided into two kinds of primary and secondary, primary dysmenorrhea is not associated with pelvic pathology during menstruation abdominal pain, often complicated by some gynecological diseases. This information through the application of Jinfeng pill on 44 cases of patients with primary dysmenorrhea observed, the results reported as follows. 1 Materials and Methods 1.1 The object for the April 1997 to May 1998 in our hospital gynecology clinic 74 patients with primary dysmenorrhea, the youngest 13-year-old, the oldest 32-year-old; the shortest course of 3 months, the longest 14 of the