Kubli等(1977)报导65例胎心率异常,其中5%胎儿有严重畸形,故建议对产前持续性胎心率异常的患者力争排除严重畸形。作者复习了3,140例产前、产时胎心率记录,77例分娩畸形婴儿,其中37例(1.2%)具有威胁生命的严重畸形,仅对这些畸形儿的胎心率记录进行了详细分析;无生命危险的畸形未包括在本研究之内。作者应用Hewlett Packard(8020A)及Corometrics(101B)电子监护仪记录胎心率,产前用体外超声转送器,分娩时用超声波或直接胎儿心电图记录。子宫收缩用体外
Kubli et al. (1977) reported 65 cases of fetal heart rate anomalies, of which 5% of the fetus has severe deformity, it is recommended that patients with abnormal prenatal fetal heart rate to exclude serious deformity. The authors reviewed 3,140 prenatal and prenatal fetal heart rate recordings and 77 infants with delivered birth defects, of which 37 (1.2%) had life-threatening serious deformities and only analyzed fetal heart rate recordings in detail. Life-threatening deformities were not included in this study. Fetal heart rate was recorded using a Hewlett Packard (8020A) and Corometrics (101B) electronic monitor. Prenatal EUT was recorded with ultrasound or direct fetal electrocardiogram during childbirth. Uterine contraction in vitro