
来源 :北京园林 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaodeai1002
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一九九四年北京市园林系统的科技工作面向首都城市绿化、美化建设,努力适应社会主义市场经济的需要,加强科技成果转化,取得了可喜的进步。共获得各级各类科技成果奖35项。其中获得建设部优秀科技成果二等奖1项,北京市科技进步奖4项,北京市园林局科技进步奖30项。其成果内容简介如下: 一、新优植物材料的引种、扩繁、应用 In 1994, the scientific and technological work of the garden system in Beijing was oriented towards the urban greening and beautification construction in the capital city, and efforts were made to adapt to the needs of the socialist market economy, and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements was strengthened and gratifying progress was made. A total of 35 different types of scientific and technological achievement awards have been obtained. Among them, there was one second-class award for outstanding scientific and technological achievements of the Ministry of Construction, four Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Progress Awards, and thirty-six scientific and technological progress awards for the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Parks. The results are as follows: 1. Introduced, expanded and applied new plant materials
清晨,茫茫苍穹中透出翠绿的轮廓,巍峨的东台山挺立在眼前。山上的松树青翠可爱,像披着无数小针的大刺猬。郁郁葱葱的香樟树、杉树、枫树……高低错落,密密麻麻。金色的阳光被树叶筛下来,地面上映出一个个小光斑。  中午,阳光强烈了许多。静心聆听,百鸟在奏鸣。走进幽深的山谷,就能看见一条小溪。溪水缓缓地流淌着,发出清脆悦耳的声音。溪水撞击在岩石上,浪花飞溅。  时近傍晚,夕阳收回了万道刺眼的光芒,变成了一个柔