一作为一种异军突起的现代哲学思潮 ,对话主义 (dialogicalism)可以区分为狭义的对话主义与广义的对话主义。狭义的对话主义 ,是指以布伯哲学为其代表的现代对话主义学说。它是在一战期间以及一战以后由诸如柯亨 (HermannCohen)、埃布纳 (Ferdi
As a sudden emergence of the modern philosophical trend of thought, dialogicalism can be divided into the narrowly defined and the broadly defined one. Narrow dialogueism refers to the theory of modern conversationalism represented by Buber’s philosophy. It was during World War I and after World War I by such as Cohen (HermannCohen), Ebner (Ferdi