有人将信息高速公路说成是“蛊惑人心之路”,但全美研究委员会(NRC)的一名成员说,Internet将最终超过那些最有增长前景的项目。 尽管如此,在最近的一份关于“通向2000年的信息基础设施前途未卜”的报告中,NRC提醒人们全国信息基础设施(包括Internet和其它通信媒介,如有线电视),由于种种原因,发展速度将比许多人预期的要缓慢。原因是: 1)用于通信基础设施的投资不足。 2)用户并未大力开发他们所需要的应用。 3)制定标准的Internet工程特别小组(IETF)面临着越
Some have described the information highway as a “demagogue.” But a member of the National Research Council (NRC) said the Internet will eventually outpace those with the most growth prospects. Nonetheless, in a recent report on “the future of information infrastructure leading to 2000”, the NRC reminded people that the national information infrastructure, including the Internet and other communication media such as cable television, has been developed for various reasons Speed will be slower than many expected. The reasons are: 1) Inadequate investment in communications infrastructure. 2) Users do not devote much effort to developing the applications they need. 3) The standard Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) faces more challenges