他是唯一前后三次登上《中国企业家》封面的人,本刊见证了他从陈久霖变成陈九霖的过程,风云变幻,令人唏嘘“,”Chen Jiulin has become thin.Before his imprisonment his face was full and healthy,1035 days later,his cheeks have become shallow and the hair on the top of his head has become even sparser. It is not only his physical appearance that has changed.His name used to be Chen Jiulin,the “Jiu” being the character for “long”, he has since changed that character to “Jiu” or “nine”.Some say it represents the phrase “Nine deaths,one Life”,a Chinese saying that means “a near escape.” Before his return he handed over two articles for China Entrepreneur to publish.The first is “How can we expand our Oil Rights?” while the other is “China Aviation Oil lessons and Oil Finance Strategies”. The first article explains that China should establish strategic cooperative relations with other oil-poor emerging economies,so as to establish and improve the Petroleum Financial System.