
来源 :城市规划通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yingyingpps
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住房城乡建设部总规划师唐凯日前前往广东清远市指导城乡规划建设时说,城乡规划要更多地关注人民的诉求。对于城市规划,唐凯强调了“发展与保留”的关系,认为城乡规划要更多地关注人民的诉求。唐凯说,我国当前正处在城镇化快速发展时期,城乡规划必须促进城镇发展模式从传统的外延型、粗放型转向集约型、节约型转变。在城乡规划面对的诸多挑战中,转变经济发展方式对城乡规划传统思维提出的挑战令人关注。随着经济社会发展,人们的民主意识逐步增强。以往,无论是国家重大基础设 Tang Kai, chief planner of the Urban and Rural Construction Ministry of Housing recently went to Guangdong Qingyuan City to guide urban and rural planning and construction. He said that urban and rural planning should pay more attention to people’s demands. For urban planning, Tang Kai emphasized the relationship between “development and preservation” and believed that urban and rural planning should pay more attention to people’s demands. Tang Kai said that at present, our country is in a period of rapid urbanization. Urban and rural planning must promote the transformation of the urban development model from the traditional extension type, extensive type to intensive type and economical type. Among the many challenges that urban-rural planning faces, the challenge of transforming the mode of economic development to the traditional thinking of urban-rural planning is of concern. With the economic and social development, people’s democratic awareness gradually increased. In the past, both the major national infrastructure
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