Modeling the effects of mechanical parameters on the hydrodynamic behavior of vertical current class

来源 :矿业科学技术学报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myth_liu
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This study modeled the effects of structural and dimensional manipulations on hydrodynamic behavior of a bench vertical current classifier.Computational fluid dynamics(CFD)approach was used as modeling method,and turbulent intensity and fluid velocity wer
Based on electromagnetic radiation characteristics, the present research studied the damage evolution of rock under uniaxial compression. Besides, this research
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The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the existing conditions and the stability of a mining site in which the unique features of seismicity, minin
<正> 1日中国经贸部部长郑拓彬在北京会见了莫桑比克总统府国务部长格布扎。中国经贸部副部长吕学俭同格布扎就发展两国经济技术合作和贸易关系问题进行了会谈。中国国务院副总理李鹏和匈牙利部长会议副主席马尔亚伊·约瑟夫,分别代表本国政府在布达佩斯签署了中匈1986至1990年长期贸易协定。 2日至19日中国国务院总理赵紫阳率中国政府代表团访问英国、联邦德国和荷兰。国务院副总理
Based on a RUSLE model,we identified the key factors of the impact on soil erosion induced by coal mining subsidence.We designed a method for predicting LS fact
<正> 苏联对外贸易的发展速度历年来都高于它的国内经济发展速度,即使在国内经济发展速度放慢的情况下也是这样。1980—84年苏联国民经济发展速度为3%左右,而同期对外贸易却每年平均增长10.6%。与此同时,苏联外贸也面临着一些急待解决的问题。
In this study, the characteristics of geological structure at Qingshui coal mine were analyzed. And the hollow inclusion strain cell overcoring method was used
<正> 第二次世界大战后,世界各国面临的首要任务是恢复生产,发展经济,增加就业机会,使人民安居乐业。所以联合国刚成立后就召开了贸易和就业会议,其宗旨是通过扩大贸易来促进生产的恢复,增加就业机会。会议结果通过了哈瓦那宪章。关税及贸易总协定这一多边贸易制度就是宪章的组成部份。多边贸易制度的作用在于充分利用所有参与国的一切生产因