1960年5月22日发生在智利的大地震(又称瓦尔迪维亚大地震),是迄今观测史上记录到的规模最大的地震,其矩震级为里氏9.5级。这次地震引起的海啸波及到智利以外的夏威夷、日本、菲律宾、新西兰东部、澳大利亚东南部和阿留申群岛,并引发了断层带两侧板块交错滑移了20米~30米。事后,这场发生在智利的大地震掀开了地震科学领域的一片新天地。英国自由撰稿人罗夫·斯密思(Roff Smith)为此撰文回顾了50年前的这场地震以及由此展开的分析研究工作。
The great earthquake that hit Chile on May 22, 1960 (also known as the Valdivia Earthquake) was by far the largest earthquake recorded in the observation history with a moment magnitude of 9.5. The tsunami caused by the earthquake spread to Hawaii, Japan, the Philippines, eastern New Zealand, southeastern Australia and the Aleutian Islands outside Chile and triggered a staggering 20-30 meters of plates on both sides of the fault belt. Afterwards, the earthquake that took place in Chile opened a new world in the field of seismic science. For this reason Roff Smith, a British freelance writer, wrote an article reviewing the earthquake 50 years ago and the analytical work that began.