凭湖而舞 东非大裂谷中的湖泊与动物

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不上升到万米高空,很难看到这条地球的“伤痕”——东非大裂谷。这条大裂谷是一座天然的储水库,集中了非洲30多个湖泊。其中,博戈尼亚湖(Lake Bogoria)、纳库鲁湖(Lake Nakuru)、埃尔门泰塔湖(Lake Elementaita)三个浅水盐湖,总面积达320.34平方千米,是大裂谷中湖泊价值的核心体现。这片区域是世界上鸟类种类非常丰富的地区之一,有13种鸟类是濒危物种。这里不仅是小火烈鸟最重要的觅食之所,也是白鹈鹕筑巢和繁殖基地,还生活着大量大型哺乳动物,如狮子、黑犀牛、长颈鹿、扭角林羚、狮子、猎豹、野狗等。基于这片区域具有为数不少的濒危物种,及对研究重大生态过程具有重要价值,2011年“肯尼亚东非大裂谷湖泊系统”被联合国教科文组织列入世界遗产名录。 It is hard to see the “Scar” of this earth - the Great Rift Valley without rising to a height of 10,000 meters. This Great Rift Valley is a natural storage reservoir that brings together more than 30 lakes in Africa. Among them, Lake Bogoria, Lake Nakuru, Lake Elementaita three shallow salt lakes, with a total area of ​​320.34 square kilometers, is the value of lakes in the Great Rift Valley The core embodiment. The area is one of the most abundant bird species in the world and 13 species of birds are endangered. This is not only the most important foraging place for the little flamingo, it is also the nesting and breeding base for the white pelican. It also hosts a large number of large mammals such as lions, black rhinos, giraffes, horns, gazelles, lions, cheetahs, Wild dogs and so on. Based on the fact that this area has a large number of endangered species and is of great value in the study of major ecological processes, the Kenya Rift Valley and Lake System in Africa was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011.
2005年5月10日,我国商务部发布2005年第23号公告,决定对原产于日本、美国和欧盟的进口氯丁橡胶征收反倾销税。其中,朗盛德国责任有限公司(LANXESS Deutschland Gmb H)的反倾