自然的灵气 生活的积淀——我视野中的郭红星

来源 :百姓生活(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myeclipse75
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当一个画家真的把自己融入自然,真的读懂了传统的时候,他自然就找到了自己,并走在一条通向艺术高峰的道路上……郭红星自幼临摹古人范宽、郭熙、王蒙之典作,喜习沈周、文徵明和当代画家张仃、张雄鹰之法,从中受益颇深。在他眼中,绘画要师法自然,不可一味闭门造车、盲目临摹古人,应勇于创造革新,在师法古人和借鉴前辈画家技法的同时,看重对自然的写生和考察,通过对自然的研习,形成自己的绘画风格,达到“临摹百家只顷刻,点染万品随生成”的艺术境界。 When an artist really put himself into nature, really read the tradition, he naturally found himself and walked in the road leading to the art of the peak ... Guo Hongxing copied from the ancients Fan Kuan, Guo Xi , The classic of Wang Meng, Xi Shen Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming and the contemporary painters Zhang Ding and Zhang Xiong Ying, benefited from it. In his eyes, painting should be taught in a natural way. We should not blindly copy the ancients, blindly copy the ancients, should be brave in creating innovations. While learning the techniques of the ancients and the elders, we value the sketching and study of nature. Through the study of nature, Own painting style, to achieve the “copy of a hundred only a moment, with everything incidental generated ” art realm.
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