日立建机在中国市场的情况总是受到许多业内人士的关注,其成功的地方毫无例外地成为大家学习的目标,例如其在代理制方面的显著优势。市场经济本身所具有的调节能力让制造商和代理商的关系惟妙惟肖,日立建机能获此成功,其中肯定有优势和利器所在。记者借加bauma China2002之际,采访了日立建机(上海)有限公司总经理平冈明彦先生。
Hitachi Construction Machinery in the Chinese market has always been the concern of many people in the industry, the success of their place without exception to become the goal of learning, such as its significant agency advantages. The market economy itself has the regulatory capacity to make the relationship between manufacturers and agents vivid, Hitachi Construction Machinery can be successful, which certainly have the advantages and tools. Reporter by adding bauma China2002 the occasion, interview Hitachi Construction Machinery (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. General Manager Mr. Hiraoka Hiraoka.