我们八面通林业局诞生于三年自然灾害时期,一出生就与贫弱连在了一起。建国前,林木资源饱受日俄掠夺性采伐,林相残破。建局时,投入先天不足,再加上过量采伐,又后天失调,年年亏损。到1987年,木材产量减少了五分之四,是全省森工系统亏损的“头名状元”。到1991年,企业累计亏损6470万元,被林业部和省认定为特困企业。在这要么倒闭,要么撤销合并,要么自强自立的三岔路口,我们义无反顾地举起了二次创业的大旗。 经过五年努力,企业发生了可喜的变化:在消化增支因素近千万元的基础上,实现减亏600万元;森林资源实现了长大于消,1995年完成了人工林保存面积、抚育面积的“双百万亩”,被称为龙江大地上的又一座“绿色丰碑”;先后被授予减亏有功企业、先进企业、先进党委、文明单位标兵等二十几个荣誉称号。1996年被评为全国思想政治工作优秀企业。
Our Bafangtong Forestry Bureau was born during the three-year natural disaster period and was connected with poverty and weakness once born. Before the founding of New China, forest resources were predatory logging by Japan and Russia, and the forest was shattered. When it was built, it devoted itself to deficiencies in natural resources. In addition, it had over-harvesting and acquired the same disorder and lost money every year. By 1987, the output of timber had been reduced by four-fifths, making it the first-loss champion in the province’s forestry system. By 1991, the total loss of 64.7 million yuan enterprises, the Ministry of Forestry and the province identified as particularly poor enterprises. In this either collapse, or the withdrawal of the merger, or self-reliance of the fork in the road, we brazenly raised the banner of the second venture. After five years of hard work, the enterprise has made gratifying changes: on the basis of digesting and supplementing the factors of nearly 10 million yuan, a reduction of 6 million yuan has been realized; and the forest resources have been growing up and disappearing. In 1995, the area reserved for artificial forests and the tending area Of the “double million mu”, known as the Longjiang earth another Green monument; has been awarded the reduction of active enterprises, advanced enterprises, advanced party committees, civilized units such as the pacesetter more than twenty honorary titles. In 1996 was named the ideological and political work of outstanding enterprises.