近年来,国内不同种动物的肝再生刺激物质(hepatic regenerative stimulating sub-stance,HSS)的研究及临床应用相当广泛。但其活性程度各报道不一致,对其组成成分及生物学效应也未完全清楚。目前尚无在同一条件下对不同种HSS的生物学活性作出比较。本研究应用无血清培养原代大鼠肝细胞,~3H-TdR掺入技术检测了4种不同种动物
In recent years, the research and clinical application of hepatic regenerative stimulating sub-stance (HSS) of different kinds of animals in China are quite extensive. However, the reports of different degrees of activity are not consistent, its composition and biological effects are not yet fully understood. No biological activity of different HSS has been compared under the same conditions. In this study, serum-free primary rat hepatocytes were cultured and ~ 3H-TdR incorporation assay was used to detect four different kinds of animals