1980年7月,溧阳县湖头大队突然出现了一批不明原因的黄疸病例。我们得知疫情后即往现场作了流行病学调查,并提出了防治措施。情况介绍 1.一般情况:湖头大队位于长荡湖南岸,三面被湖水包围,一面紧靠中河。盛产水稻,小麦,鱼虾等,是典型的鱼米之乡。全大队2个自然村,324户,
In July 1980, a group of cases of jaundice of unknown cause suddenly appeared in the Lhoyang County Loughoulet Brigade. After we learned about the epidemic, we made an epidemiological investigation to the scene and put forward prevention and control measures. Fact Sheet 1. General Situation: The Loughon Brigade is located on the south bank of Changdang Lake and surrounded by the lake on three sides and close to the river. Rich in rice, wheat, fish and shrimp, is a typical Yumizhixiang. The whole village 2 natural villages, 324 households,