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展读宋亚平等著《辛亥革命前后的湖北经济与社会》(中国社会科学出版社2011年7月版),别有一番滋味在心头数十年来,有关辛亥革命的论著数以万计,几乎可以成立一门以“辛亥学”为标识的学术门类,而且至今人们对这场革命的研究热情依然高涨从研究现状看,成就是主要的,但问题亦复不少其中,对于首义之区的湖北,研究明显滞后,没有充分展示该地区丰富而复杂的历史画卷,本书似乎可以弥补这个缺憾 Exhibit Song Yaping Equal “Before and after the Revolution of 1911” (China Social Sciences Press, 2011 July edition), do not have a taste in my heart For decades, the theory of the Revolution of thousands of books, almost can be established An academic category marked by “Xin Hai Xue ”, and so far the enthusiasm for the study of the revolution is still on the rise. Achievements are major from the research status quo, but there are still many problems. Among them, Hubei clearly lags behind in its research and has not fully demonstrated the rich and complex history of the region. This book seems to make up for this shortcoming
摘 要:如何提高课堂教学的有效性是现在众多初中教师探究和考虑的问题。作为一名教师,每个人都希望自己的课堂是有效的。那作为初中数学教师,我们个人应该如何合理地把握自己的课堂教学呢?提高课堂教学有效性呢?可从以下方面做起:一、 用心编写教学设计,创设问题情境,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生数学思维;二、 关注全体学生,张扬学生个性,多角度地解题,培养学生纵向思维;三、 创新教学方法,培养学生自主探索的精神