辽宁省从1998年开始在全省范围内积极、稳妥地推进避孕方法知情选择工作,经过3年多的实践取得显著成效,促进了全省人口与计划生育工作总体水平的提高。2001年6月国务院颁布实施《计划生育技术服务管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),形成了对全省知情选择工作深入发展的新动力。 在学习《条例》中,大家一致认识到,开展避孕方法知情选择工作,已经不再仅仅是我们对自身工作提出的要求,而是贯彻实施法律法规的一项重要内容。如何保障公民享有避孕方法的知情选择权,对新时期的计划生育技术服务工作依法管理、依法服务提出了更高的要求。在统一认识的基础上,全省形成了积极主动应对挑战,抓住时机深化知情选择工作,抓住关键环节提高知情选择工作水平的态势。《条例》实施后,在深入推进知情选择工作方面辽宁省计生委重点抓了三件事。
Since 1998, Liaoning Province has actively and steadily promoted the informed choice of contraceptive methods throughout the province. After more than three years of successful practice, Liaoning Province has achieved remarkable results and has promoted the improvement of population and family planning throughout the province. In June 2001, the State Council promulgated the Regulations on the Management of Family Planning Technical Services (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”), forming a new impetus to the in-depth development of the province’s informed choice work. In studying the “Regulations,” we all unanimously recognized that carrying out the informed choice of contraceptive methods is no longer just the requirement we have put forward for our own work, but an important part of the implementation of laws and regulations. How to protect the citizen’s right of informed choice of contraceptive methods and put forward higher requirements on the legal management of family planning technical services in accordance with law in the new era and their legal services. On the basis of common understanding, the province has taken the initiative to respond to challenges, seize the opportunity to deepen the work of informed choice, seize the key links and enhance the work of informed choice. After the “Regulations” were implemented, the Family Planning Commission of Liaoning Province focused on three things in deepening the work of informed choice.