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随着我国经济社会的发展,职务犯罪问题不断成为人民群众关心和关注的热点,近年来,检察机关依法打击各领域职务犯罪成果显著,有效打击犯罪的同时,也在维护社会经济平稳发展和国民生命财产安全上做出了应有贡献。推进以审判为中心的诉讼制度改革是我国司法改革的一项重要决定,对于保障当事人基本诉权、监督制约侦查权力、维护正当程序等都有着积极作用和长远影响,但也对检察机关以往的侦查理念、侦查方式和侦查制度等提出了更高的要求。本文认真思考“以审判为中心”的诉讼制度改革对检察工作的影响,并积极从现有条件入手,提出应对策略,以期对今后职务犯罪侦查模式提供选项,促进相关工作更加规范、有效运行。 With the economic and social development in our country, the issue of job-related crimes continues to be the focus of attention and concern of the masses. In recent years, procuratorial organs have made remarkable achievements in cracking down on job-related crimes in various fields in accordance with the law and have effectively cracked down on crimes. At the same time, they are also safeguarding the steady social and economic development and nationals’ Life and property safety made its due contribution. Promoting the trial-centered reform of the litigation system is an important decision of judicial reform in our country. It has a positive effect and a long-term impact on ensuring the litigant’s basic litigious rights, supervising and restricting the power of investigation, and safeguarding due process. However, Ideas, methods of investigation and investigation system put forward higher requirements. This article seriously considers the impact of the “trial-centered” litigation system reform on procuratorial work, and starts with the existing conditions and puts forward countermeasures so as to provide options for future investigation of duty crimes and to promote more standardized and effective work run.
“语录不离手,万岁不离口;当面说好话,背后下毒手。”这是国人对当年仓皇叛逃、折戟沉沙的“副统帅”的描画,意谓好话说尽,坏事做绝。反观今日之贪官,绝大多数也逃不脱两面派的“宿命”,不同者是,他们并非篡党夺权的野心家,而是彻头彻尾的变色龙。  具有双重人格的贪官,自古有之:秦朝赵高蒙君惑主,唐代李林甫口蜜腹剑,南宋秦桧里通外国,明朝严嵩卖官鬻爵,清代和假公营私……这些乱臣贼子,无不是台上道貌岸然,幕后
为贯彻落实浙江省关于“五水共治污染先行”的相关政策,兰溪市农办基本摸清了全市农村生活污水治理情况,并提出了对策。  1.农村生活污水治理现状  (1)治理现状兰溪市自2009