Siliciclastic-carbonate mixing modes in the river-mouth bar palaeogeography of the Upper Cretaceous

来源 :Journal of Palaeogeography | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengjie86
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Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate rocks constitute the Upper Cretaceous Garudamangalam Sandstone Formation, Ariyalur(India), and offer an opportunity to look into the broad spectrum of mixing of compositionally and genetically different components. The palaeogeographic reconstruction indicates that deposition in the nearshore zone differed strongly in energy and active processes operatives due to the presence of a shore-parallel river-mouth bar. The western wing of the Mississippi bird-foot delta is considered to be a present-day analogon. Facies analysis in combination with petrography clearly shows the variability in palaeoenvironmental characteristics, both biogenic and non-biogenic. It also indicates diagenetic uptake of carbonate that filled empty spaces and actively replaced original components. Chemical staining followed by limited application of cathodoluminescence and energy dispersive X-ray analysis(EDAX) hint at intricacies in mixing arising from the compositional variations in the carbonate components. A model of siliciclastic-carbonate sediment mixing, including both the depositional and diagenetic developments, is presented; it is aimed at generating a better overview of, and a deeper insight into, the physical and chemical mechanisms involved. Mixed siliciclastic-carbonate rocks constitute the Upper Cretaceous Garudamangalam Sandstone Formation, Ariyalur (India), and offer an opportunity to look into the broad spectrum of mixing of compositionally and genetically different components. The palaeogeographic reconstruction suggests that deposition in the nearshore zone differed strongly in energy and active processes operatives due to the presence of a shore-parallel river-mouth bar. The western wing of the Mississippi bird-foot delta is considered to be a present-day analogon. Facies analysis in combination with petrography clearly shows the variability in palaeoenvironmental characteristics, both biogenic and non-biogenic. Chemical staining followed by limited application of cathodoluminescence and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) hint at inaccacies in mixing arising from the compositional variations in the carbonate components. A model of siliciclastic-carbonate sediment mixing, including both the depositional and diagenetic developments, is presented; it is aimed at aimed at generating a better overview, and a deeper insight into, the physical and chemical mechanisms involved.
患者;宁某,男,66岁。以发热,咳嗽,腹胀,乏力加重5个月。1年前患者因低热,咳嗽,左上腹胀痛,鼻血,发现全血减少,异常淋巴细胞出现。而诊断为门静脉高压症。 入院检体:T38.2℃,
在一次迎新春文艺晚会的节目表演间隙,主持人随机采访了几名现场观众。其中有一名是我的学生——2008级数控班王志春。他现在市精益锻压机械厂,从事技术工作,短短数月的时间已成为厂里的技术骨干。  第二天清晨,我还在睡梦中的时候,他打来了电话,谈起他昨晚接受采访的事情并一再感谢我,说没有我就没有他的今天,言辞恳切真诚。听着他激动的话语,我眼前立刻浮现出当年刚接任数控班班主任的情景。  2008年9月新学