雷凡诺尔羊膜腔内注射简称雷羊。雷凡诺尔注入羊膜腔后能促使子宫收缩而使胎儿及附属物从子宫内排出以终止妊娠,一般需40小时左右。本文对88例孕12~16周的小月份引产患者,采用0.1%雷凡诺尔液10 ml注入羊膜腔内,24小时后行钳刮术,取得满意效果,现总结如下。 一、资料与方法 1.一般资料:我院自1997年~1999年收治孕12~16周的小月份引产患者88例,年龄在18~48岁之间,平均年龄33岁。其中初孕妇30例占34.1%,孕2次及2次以上者58例,占65.9%。
Radianor amniotic cavity injection referred to as Lei sheep. Lefannor injection into the amniotic cavity can promote uterine contractions leaving the fetus and appendages from the uterus to terminate the pregnancy, usually takes about 40 hours. In this paper, 88 cases of pregnant 12 to 16 weeks of small month induced labor in patients with 0.1% levanone solution 10 ml into the amniotic cavity, forceps curettage after 24 hours and achieved satisfactory results, are summarized as follows. First, the data and methods 1. General information: In our hospital from 1997 to 1999 admitted to 12 to 16 weeks of pregnancy in small month induced labor in 88 patients, aged 18 to 48 years old, with an average age of 33 years. Among them, 30 cases of first trimester women accounted for 34.1%, 58 cases were secondary 2 and more than 2 times, accounting for 65.9%.