
来源 :山东档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyaozhu
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近两年来,有些档案局(馆)实行有偿立卷,就是档案局(馆)工作人员利用业余或工作空闲时间为机关、企事业单位进行文书立卷,收取适当的劳务费,这是一个很好的尝试。其利在于:一可以保证所立案卷质量,二可以增力口档案部门收入,缓解经费困难。但是有的档案部门在业务指导过程中也收取指导立卷费,有的甚至借机关档案升级工作,将单位档案集中到档案部门进行整理,收取费用,把有偿立卷当作他们的生财之道,笔者认为这是不足取的。为“有偿”而“立卷”,甚至以“有偿立卷”代替业务指导,最终将这些地方的档案工作逐渐萎缩,还会损害档案执法部门的形象。其弊端主要表现在: 一、容易导致立卷单位档案工作人员等靠思想严重、业务不熟。这种包下来的有偿立卷方式,使立卷单位的档案工作人员失去了学习、实践的好机会,而且使他们觉得只要交了钱,就可以把文件材料立起卷来,学不学业务无所谓,从心理上滋长了他们的等靠思想。 In the past two years, some archives (museums) have implemented compensatory legislation. This means that archivists (museums) should make use of amateur or working free time to file documents for institutions, enterprises and institutions and collect appropriate labor fees. This is a very good Try. Its benefit lies in: one can guarantee the quality of the file, the second can increase the income of archives department, ease the financial difficulties. However, some archival departments also charge for guiding the collection of fees in the course of business guidance, and some even take the work of archives promotion by agencies to collect the archives of the units into the archival departments for collation, collect fees and regard paid legislation as their means of making money , I think this is not enough. For “paid” and “upright”, and even “paid legislation” instead of business guidance, and ultimately the archives in these places gradually shrinking, but also undermine the image of the file law enforcement agencies. The drawbacks are mainly manifested in: First, it is easy to lead the archivists file staff rely on serious thinking, business unfamiliar. This package of paid legislation, the file system to make the file unit staff lost a good opportunity to learn and practice, but also make them think that as long as the money, you can put up the documentary materials, learn not to learn business It does not matter, mentally growing their waiting for the idea.
所谓量化管理,即是一种把管理对象特定的活动结果.利用划等记分的办法表示出其成效程度的管理方法.我院档案工作实施量化管理的基本做法是: The so-called quantitative man