Effects of Seeding Rate,Water and Fertilizer Coupling on Grass Yield of Forage Millet (Setaria itlic

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The paper was to study the effects of seeding rate,water and fertilizer (N,P,K) coupling on grass yield of forage millet Jigu No.18 (Setaria itlica).A quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination with five factors was designed in pot experiment.The mathematical model between hay yield of forage millet (Y) and soil moisture content (x_1),N fertilizer (x_2),P fertilizer (x_3),K fertilizer (x_4) and seeding rate (x_5) was established to simulate optimization.The results showed that moisture content,seeding rate,P fertilizer and K fertilizer had important effects on hay yield.Soil moisture content had the biggest impact on yield,followed by seeding rate,P and K fertilizer.The coupling effects of various factors successively were moisture content/seeding rate > K fertilizer/seeding rate > N/P fertilizer > soil moisture/N fertilizer > soil moisture/P fertilizer.Moreover,the mathematical model,Y=20 543.756-565.570x_1- 39.942x_2- 23.102x_3- 38.470x_4- 151.877x_5+ 1.052x_1x_2+ 1.604x_1x_3+ 12.953x_1x_5- 0.173x_2x_3+ 0.737x_4x_5- 2.292x~2_5,was established.The optimum soil moisture and seeding rate were determined as 10% and15 kg/hm~2,respectively.In this scheme,the hay yield was 14 037.151 0 kg/hm~2 and the economic benefit was 13 887.15 yuan/hm~2; the income was increased by 23.68% (3 288.98 yuan/hm~2) compared to the optimal combination in the test.The results provided a theoretical basis and technical support for forage millet production in Hebei Province. The paper was to study the effects of seeding rate, water and fertilizer (N, P, K) coupling on grass yield of forage millet Jigu No.18 (Setaria itlica). A quadratic regression orthogonal rotation combination with five factors was designed in pot the fertilizer model was hay yield of forage millet (Y) and soil moisture content (x_1), N fertilizer (x_2), P fertilizer (x_3), K fertilizer (x_4) and seeding rate (x_5) was established to simulate optimization The results showed that moisture content, seeding rate, P fertilizer and K fertilizer had important effects on hay yield. Moil moisture content had the biggest impact on yield, followed by seeding rate, P and K fertilizer. The coupling effects of various factors successively the soil moisture / P fertilizer. Moreover, the mathematical model, Y = 20 543.756-565.570x_1- 39.942x_2- 23.102x_3- 38.470x_4- 151.877x_5 + 1.052x_1x_2 + 1.604x_1x _3 + 12.953x_1x_5- 0.173x_2x_3 + 0.737x_4x_5- 2.292x ~ 2_5, was established. The optimum soil moisture and seeding rate were determined as 10% and 15 kg / hm ~ 2, respectively.In this scheme, the hay yield was 14 037.151 0 kg / hm ~ 2 and the economic benefit was 13 887.15 yuan / hm ~ 2; the income was increased by 23.68% (3 288.98 yuan / hm ~ 2) compared to the optimal combination in the test. The results provide a theoretical basis and technical support for forage millet production in Hebei Province.
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