捷克艺术家亚当麦茨认为,承载70亿人口的地球已经生病了,他要用中医“针灸”的办法给地球治病——给地球找合适的穴位,放置雕塑,从而连接世界不同文化,为地球注入正能量。18岁就读过《老子》1995年,捷克孟德尔大学景观建筑专业学生埃米尔·亚当麦茨(Emil Adamec)刚满23岁。这年夏天的一个平凡早晨,亚当麦茨收到一纸转学通知——目的地是久负盛名的布拉格艺术学院,这所建于1799年的学校是捷克历史最悠久的艺术院校。亚当麦茨根据平面画
Adam Matz, a Czech artist, believes that the earth bearing 7 billion people is already sick. He wants to treat the earth with Chinese medicine and “acupuncture.” - To find the appropriate acupuncture points for the Earth and place sculptures to connect different cultures in the world. Infuse the Earth with positive energy. At 18 I studied for “Lao Tzu”. In 1995, Emil Adamec, a landscape architecture major at Mendel University in the Czech Republic, just turned 23. On an ordinary morning of the summer, Adam Mattz received a notice of transfer - destined for the prestigious Prague Academy of Arts, which was founded in 1799 as the oldest art school in the Czech Republic. Adam Metz draws according to the plane